
2018年06月06日19:22  來源:人民網


  男,中國居民身份証號碼410103196409152455,河南証券有限公司鄭州緯五路第一營業部原經理,涉嫌挪用公款罪。2002年12月21日外逃至澳大利亞,外逃所持証照:G01094820。目前可能居住地:Ethel Street, Burwood, Sydney, Australia。

  Ji Dongsheng, male, Chinese ID No. 410103196409152455, former Manager of the First Branch of Henan Securities on Weiwu Road of Zhengzhou, on suspicion of crime of misappropriating public funds, fled to Australia with travel document numbered G01094820 on December 21, 2012. Possible location of current residence: Ethel Street, Burwood, Sydney, Australia.


  男,中國居民身份証號碼320103196812060532,江蘇省高速公路建設指揮部綜合處原職工,涉嫌貪污罪。2002年3月8日外逃至新西蘭,外逃所持証照:G00101058、G07832315。目前可能居住地: Canberra Avenue Lynfield, Auckland, New Zealand。

  Liu Quanzhou, male, Chinese ID No. 320103196812060532, former employee of the General Department of Jiangsu Highway Construction Headquarters, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to New Zealand with travel documents numbered G00101058 and G07832315 on March 8, 2002. Possible location of current residence: Canberra Avenue Lynfield, Auckland, New Zealand.


  女,中國居民身份証號碼320107197003282629,中國工商銀行南京市新街口支行原工作人員,劉全洲妻子,涉嫌貪污罪。2001年9月23日外逃至新西蘭,外逃所持証照:G00132122、G37558409。目前可能居住地: Canberra Avenue Lynfield,Auckland, New Zealand。

  Sun Yan, female, Chinese ID No. 320107197003282629, former employee of Xinjiekou Sub-Branch in Nanjing of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, wife of Liu Quanzhou, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to New Zealand with travel documents numbered G00132122 and G37558409 on September 23, 2001. Possible location of current residence: Canberra Avenue Lynfield, Auckland, New Zealand.



  Liu Baofeng, male, Chinese ID No. 320102196607140414, former General Manager of Shenzhen Branch of Huatai Securities, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to Canada with travel document numbered 148561000 in October 2001.


  男,中國居民身份証號碼110223198402076399,北京市通州區社會保險基金管理中心原工作人員,涉嫌貪污罪。2013年7月29日外逃至美國,外逃所持証照:G06852441、G53008303。目前可能居住地:Waumsley Way, Sugar Land, TX, USA。

  Liu Xu, male, Chinese ID No. 110223198402076399, former employee of the Social Insurance Fund Management Center of Tongzhou District of Beijing, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to the United States with travel documents numbered G06852441 and G53008303 on July 29, 2013. Possible location of current residence: Waumsley Way, Sugar Land, Texas, the United States.


  男,中國居民身份証號碼430602195411291016,湖南省岳陽市公安局出入境管理科原科長,涉嫌組織他人偷越國境罪。2004年10月31日外逃至英國,外逃所持証照:G01004229。目前可能居住地:Near Stratford Station, London, UK。

  Liu Xiangjian, male, Chinese ID No. 430602195411291016, former Section Chief of Entry and Exit Administration Section of Yueyang Municipal Public Security Bureau of Hunan Province, on suspicion of the crime of organizing people to secretly cross the national boundary, fled to the United Kingdom with travel document numbered G01004229 on October 31, 2004. Possible location of current residence: Near Stratford Station, London, UK.



  Liu Fucai, male, Chinese ID No. 440105195202051837, former Director General of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guangdong Province, on suspicion of crimes of taking bribes and abusing power, fled to Australia with travel document numbered G33107705 on April 25, 2014.


  男,中國居民身份証號碼370402194502281911,上海山東齊魯實業總公司原總經理,涉嫌貪污罪。2000年12月外逃美國,外逃所持証照:149923226。目前可能居住地:161 Street, Flushing, New York, USA。

  Liu Shenxiang, male, Chinese ID No. 370402194502281911, former General Manager of Shanghai Shandong Qilu Industry Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement , fled to the United States with travel document numbered 149923226 in December 2000. Possible location of current residence: 161 Street, Flushing, New York, the United States.



  Yan Bo, male, Chinese ID No. 130104196012172115, former General Manager of the International Business Department of China Unicom, on suspicion of crimes of embezzlement and holding a huge amount of property with unidentified sources, fled to Canada with travel documents numbered G54955255 and W71192627 in December 2014.


  男,中國居民身份証號碼11010219630421195X,原衛生部人才交流服務中心主任。涉嫌貪污、受賄罪,2014年1月22日外逃至美國。外逃所持証照:G29652812。目前可能居住地:PINEGROVE PL. CORONA. CA, the United States。

  Li Feng, male, Chinese ID No. 11010219630421195X, former Director General of Talents Exchange and Service Center of the Ministry of Health, on suspicion of crimes of embezzlement and taking bribes, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G29652812 on January 22, 2014. Possible location of current residence: PINEGROVE PL. CORONA. CA, the United States.



【“十三五”,我們這樣走過】市場主體創新步伐堅實    “深化國有企業改革,發展混合所有制經濟,培育具有全球競爭力的世界一流企業。全面實施市場准入負面清單制度,清理廢除妨礙統一市場和公平競爭的各種規定和做法,支持民營企業發展,激發各類市場主體活力。”習近平總書記的重要論述,為激發各類市場主體活力指明了方向。“十三五”以來,在一項項惠企政策、改革措施推動下,市場主體實力越發雄厚、活力更加充沛。 【詳細】

服務業實現快速發展|我國教師隊伍建設成就斐然 | 我國控輟保學成效顯著 

【總書記擘畫高質量發展】共享發展,民生改善奔小康     高質量發展,是共享成為根本目的的發展。習近平總書記多次強調,“人民對美好生活的向往就是我們的奮斗目標。”疫情防控期間如何全力醫治患者拯救生命、兜牢民生底線?扶貧產業是否落地生根、易地搬遷群眾能否穩定就業?改革發展成果怎樣更多更公平惠及人民群眾?總書記在國內考察中訪民情、察民意、問民生,殷殷囑托和深切關懷體現了大黨大國領袖真摯的人民情懷。 【詳細】

開放發展,合作共贏創新局 | 綠色發展,美麗中國邁大步 | 協調發展,補齊短板潛力大