
2017年04月27日19:00  来源:人民网





  目前可能居住地:47th Ave, Bayside, New York, USA.

  LIU Changkai, male, ID No. 110221196104242211, former head of Liyuan Driving School of Beijing.

  Suspected of frauds. Liu Changkai, when serving as the head of Liyuan Driving School affiliated to Beijing Opera House, committed frauds for a long time on large amounts of public funds of the driving school.

  Fled to the United States in October 1999 holding the traveling documents numbered 141392151and G39105566.

  Possible location of current residence: 47th Ave, Bayside, New York, USA





  目前可能居住地: Ackroyd Road, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada.

  XIAO Bin, male, ID No. 230202196108191034, former General Manager of Qiqihar Credit Guarantee Co., Ltd of Heilongjiang Province.

  Suspected of embezzlement. Xiao Bin took advantage of his position as the legal person and general manager of Qiqihar Credit Guarantee Co., Ltd to illegally possess large amounts of funds of the company.

  Fled to Canada on 21 January 2011 holding the traveling documents numbered G21605807 and W09264471.

  Possible location of current residence: Ackroyd Road, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada.





  目前可能居住地:Barnard Drive, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada.

  LI Wenge, male, ID No. 530103196810081814, former Vice Chairman of Trade Union of the State Taxation Bureau of Panlong District of Kunming City.

  Suspected of contract frauds and fund-raising frauds. Li Wenge is suspected of working with others to raise funds from companies and individuals and in the process obtaining fraudulent gains by forging companies registered under his relatives as fund-raising entities or guarantees. The amount of funds involved is extremely large. He is also suspected of contract frauds.

  Fled to Canada on 29 August 2013 holding the traveling document numbered G12761572.

  Possible location of current residence: Barnard Drive, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada.





  目前可能居住地:Voltaire Drive, Riverside, Los Angles, California, USA.

  WANG Liming, male, ID No. 140104195311270855, former Head of Hainan Branch of Bank of China.

  Suspected of malpractice. Wang Liming took advantage of his position to collude with others and illegally issue letters of credit backed with no real trading or guarantees, resulting in huge losses of state assets.

  Fled to the United States on 9 June 2000 holding the traveling document numbered 147330824.

  Possible location of current residence: Voltaire Drive, Riverside, Los Angles, California, USA.





  目前可能居住地:the Esplanade, Eastern Beach, Auckland, New Zealand.

  XUAN Xiuying, female, ID No. 44501019621106110X, former director of Zhuhai Jinglian Operation Branch of Guangzhou Subsidiary of Nanfang Securities Company.

  Suspected of misappropriation of public funds and concealment of overseas deposits. Xuan Xiuying, when serving as Director of Zhuhai Operation Branch for securities trading of Guangdong Trust Investment Company of Agriculture Bank of China, instigated the accounting staff not to record large amounts of funds and diverted these funds to the company under her actual control as bid bond. She later gained enormous profits from selling shares of the company under her actual control.

  Fled to New Zealand on 18 August 2002 holding the traveling document numbered G01815866.

  Possible location of current residence: the Esplanade, Eastern Beach, Auckland, New Zealand.





  目前可能居住地:Ethel Street, Burwood, New South Wales, Australia.

  JI Dongsheng, male, ID No. 410103196409152455, former manager of the First Business Branch on Weiwu Road, Zhengzhou of Henan Securities Co., Ltd.

  Suspected of misappropriation of public funds. Ji Dongsheng told the staff member in charge of the computer system in his company to de-freeze guarantee accounts to use the guarantee funds of clients for share trading. Guarantee funds of clients were misappropriated, resulting in severe losses.

  Fled to Australia on 21 December 2002 holding the traveling document numbered G01094820.

  Possible location of current residence: Ethel Street, Burwood, New South Wales, Australia.





  目前可能居住地:Oak Ridge Community, Vancouver, Canada.

  CHENG Muyang, male, ID No. 320106691114161, former Chairman of Hong Kong Jiadali Investment Co., Ltd and former manager of Beijing Subsidiary of Beifang International Advertisement Company.

  Suspected of embezzlement and concealment of illegal gains. Cheng Muyang acted in collusion with public officials in Hebei Province to jointly take into their possession large amounts of public funds by way of hyping up land prices and falsifying land transfer compensations. Cheng Muyang also transferred large amounts of funds into his own account with clear awareness that these funds were illegal gains.

  Fled to New Zealand on 8 August 2000 and then to Canada holding the traveling document numbered H90090555 and H0070701900.

  Possible location of current residence: Oak Ridge Community, Vancouver, Canada.





  目前可能居住地:NE 38th Ave, Aventura, Florida, USA.

  HE Yejun, male, ID No. 130229590224001, former President of Tangshan Haomen Group, Hebei Province.

  Suspected of misappropriation of public funds. As representative of Haomen Group in Beijing, He Yejun took advantage of his position to transfer large amounts of funds, together with Huang Hong, to his private account and misappropriated large amounts of public funds for business activities of himself, his relatives and friends.

  Fled to the United States on 23 May 1999 holding the traveling document numbered 140864735.

  Possible location of current residence: NE 38th Ave, Aventura, Florida, USA.





  目前可能居住地:NE 38th Ave, Aventura, Florida, USA.

  HUANG Hong, alias HUANG Li, female, ID No. 110105196701241828, former accountant at the Representative Office (Beijing) of Tangshan Haomen Group, Hebei.

  Suspected of misappropriation of public funds. As representative of Haomen Group in Beijing, He Yejun took advantage of his position to transfer large amounts of funds, together with Huang Hong, to his private account and misappropriated large amounts of public funds for business activities of himself, his relatives and friends.

  Fled to the United States on 16 May 1998 holding the traveling document numbered P3669432.

  Possible location of current residence: NE 38th Ave, Aventura, Florida, USA.





  目前可能居住地:Tawa Road, Auckland, New Zealand.

  YU Tainian, male, ID No. 120104194209230437, former Director of Planning Division of Tianjin New-Tech Industrial Park.

  Suspected of embezzlement. Yu Tainian, together with others, committed embezzlement on large amounts of funds of land deals.

  Fled to New Zealand on 14 January 2007 holding the traveling document numbered G20612462 and 144772074.

  Possible location of current residence: Tawa Road, Auckland, New Zealand.





  目前可能居住地:Columbia Ave, New York, NY, USA.

  QIU Gengmin, male, ID No. 332601196205150331, former manager of Zhejiang Changda Import and Export Co., Ltd.

  Suspected of contract fraud and flight of capital contribution. Qiu Gengmin took large amounts of funds of partnership companies into his own possession and fled with the funds.

  Fled to the United States on 9 February 2010 holding the traveling document numbered G26857053.

  Possible location of current residence: Columbia Ave, New York, NY, USA.





  目前可能居住地:ELM St, San Mateo, San Francisco, California, USA.

  ZHOU Jianhua, male, ID No. 330323196408060635, former Party Secretary of Lihuiyao Village of Chengdong Road, Leqing City, Zhejiang Province and former legal representative of Jianqiao Construction Group Co., Ltd.

  Suspected of illegally collecting public deposits and frauds on loans and bank drafts. Zhou Jianhua, together with others, allured the public by high interest rates to collect large amounts of deposits on the excuse of capital turnover. He also worked with others to falsify contracts and financial statements to commit frauds on large amounts of loans and bank drafts.

  Fled to the United States on 6 November 2013 holding the traveling document numbered E00909767.

  Possible location of current residence: ELM St, San Mateo, San Francisco, California, USA.





  目前可能居住地:161 Street, Flushing, New York, USA.

  LIU Shenxiang, male, ID No. 370402194502281911, former General Manager of Shanghai Shandong Qilu Corporation.

  Suspected of embezzlement. Liu Shenxiang took advantage of his position as General Manager of Shanghai Shandong Qilu Corporation to take large amounts of public funds of the company into his own possession by such means as falsifying receipts.

  Fled to the United States in December 2000 holding the traveling document numbered 149923226.

  Possible location of current residence: 161 Street, Flushing, New York, USA.    





  目前可能居住地:Hope River Rd,Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada.

  WANG Qingwei, male, ID No. 370105197201030314, former financial staff member of Qingqi Group Hong Kong Co., Ltd.

  Suspected of letter of credit fraud. Wang Qingwei, together with others, used falsified foreign trade contracts to get letters of credit from banks and take credit funds into his own possession, the amounts and losses of which are extremely huge.

  Fled to Canada on 21 April 2005 holding the traveling document numbered 147668220.

  Possible location of current residence:Hope River Rd, Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada.





  目前可能居住地: Lansdowne Place, Rowland Heights, California, USA.

  XU Xuewei, male, ID No. 320219196808023014, former actual controller of Jiangyin Shengchang S&T Co., Ltd, Jiangyin Xiangda Polyester Co., Ltd, Jiangyin Kangxuwang Textile and Polyester Co., Ltd and Jiangyin Haosheng Trading Co., Ltd.

  Suspected of loan and contract frauds. Xu Xuewei, on the excuse of lack-of-fund of Jiangyin Shengchang S&T Co., Ltd which was under his actual control, falsified sale contracts, financial statements and guarantee information and use those documents to sign loan contracts with several financial institutions, resulting in frauds on large amounts of funds.

  Fled to the United States on 21 November 2012 holding the traveling document numbered G49023791.

  Possible location of current residence: Lansdowne Place, Rowland Heights, California, USA.





  目前可能居住地: Dover Rd. Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.

  HE Jian, male, ID No. 130302196511142234, former president of Fang Da Housing Development Co., Ltd at Qihuangdao Port.

  Suspected of embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds. He Jian took advantage of his position and committed embezzlement on large amounts of funds during the restructuring of Fang Da Housing Development Co., Ltd. He also misappropriated large amounts of funds for coal business to purchase stocks of Fang Da Housing Development Co., Ltd for himself.

  Fled to Canada on 27 September 2010 holding the traveling document numbered G14221561.

  Possible location of current residence: Dover Rd. Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.





  目前可能居住地:B3, Blosom, Silver Reef Community, Frigate Bay District, Saint Kitts and Nevis.

  REN Biao, male, ID No. 320219197305132272, person of control over a series of companies including Jiangsu Daluo Energy and Resources Co., Ltd, Jiangsu Hualuo Trading Co., Ltd, Jiangyin Zhanpeng Energy Development Co., Ltd, Jiangyin Fengda Machinery Group Co., Ltd, and JiangyinFeng Da Technology Co., Ltd.

  Suspected of loan frauds and forgery of financial tickets. Ren Biao falsified purchasing & sales contracts, financial reports and other documents to defraud several financial institutions of large sums of loans. He, in the name of collecting money for the company’s operation, committed fraud on large sums of funds by asking financial institutions to issue letters of credit and falsifying documents under the letters of credit.

  Fled abroad on 27 September 2010 with St. Kitts and Nevis as his final destination holding a passport of St. Kitts and Nevis numbered RE 0011562 and a permanent residence permit of St. Kitts and Nevis numbered 19121.

  Possible location of current residence: B3, Blosom, Silver Reef Community, Frigate Bay District, Saint Kitts and Nevis.



【“十三五”,我们这样走过】市场主体创新步伐坚实    “深化国有企业改革,发展混合所有制经济,培育具有全球竞争力的世界一流企业。全面实施市场准入负面清单制度,清理废除妨碍统一市场和公平竞争的各种规定和做法,支持民营企业发展,激发各类市场主体活力。”习近平总书记的重要论述,为激发各类市场主体活力指明了方向。“十三五”以来,在一项项惠企政策、改革措施推动下,市场主体实力越发雄厚、活力更加充沛。 【详细】

服务业实现快速发展|我国教师队伍建设成就斐然 | 我国控辍保学成效显著 

【总书记擘画高质量发展】共享发展,民生改善奔小康     高质量发展,是共享成为根本目的的发展。习近平总书记多次强调,“人民对美好生活的向往就是我们的奋斗目标。”疫情防控期间如何全力医治患者拯救生命、兜牢民生底线?扶贫产业是否落地生根、易地搬迁群众能否稳定就业?改革发展成果怎样更多更公平惠及人民群众?总书记在国内考察中访民情、察民意、问民生,殷殷嘱托和深切关怀体现了大党大国领袖真挚的人民情怀。 【详细】

开放发展,合作共赢创新局 | 绿色发展,美丽中国迈大步 | 协调发展,补齐短板潜力大